Only Permanent Residents of Nova Scotia are eligible.
If interested please send name and phone number with subject heading CCA to .
Our Continuing Care Assistants are health care professionals who are committed to providing compassionate and ethical care to support individuals of all ages, in a variety of practice settings, for the purpose of promoting holistic well-being. They are front line members of a collaborative health care team working together with a shared goal of enriching quality of life in their communities. Employment settings can include long term care facilities, small option homes, community residences, residential care facilities and hospitals.
To practice as a CCA in Nova Scotia, an individual must be a graduate of a recognized CCA Program delivered by a licensed education provider and successfully pass the Nova Scotia CCA Certification Exam. PeopleWorx is a registered Private Career College and our CCA program is delivered in accordance with current NS CCA Curriculum Standards and involves theory and practice through the use of classroom, laboratory, and clinical placements. Our program offers a unique, blended, approach to training that combines technical, employability and essential skills. We place high importance on the personal and professional development of our students; as a result we have added supplemental training to the curriculum in areas such as self-awareness, emotional intelligence, conflict resolution, and healthy lifestyles and relationships.
Employment Prospects:
The employment outlook over the next few years for this occupational group is “good”, which indicates the chances of a qualified individual finding work is better than average when compared to other occupations in Nova Scotia. This is a fairly large occupation in Nova Scotia so job opportunities occur fairly regularly. The number employed in this occupation is expected to grow significantly over the next few years, which will provide additional opportunities for employment. With a moderate percent of workers being 55 years of age and older, retirements are expected to contribute somewhat to employment opportunities over the coming years. Continuing Care Assistants and Other Health Support Workers most commonly work full-time hours.
The average employment income for Continuing Care Assistants working full-time is between $43,000 and $48,000.
PeopleWorx operates as a private career college within the Province of Nova Scotia, PCC registration number 712016.
Who are we looking for?
Fabulous people who:
- Are compassionate and inspired and have a passion for healthy communities
- Enjoy spending time with elders and those who are challenged by disability or illness
- Recognize the innate worth and value of every human being
- Feel called that providing care is one way that they can make the world a better place
Entry Requirements
Applicants to the PeopleWorx CCA program must meet the following minimum, provincial, admission requirements:
- Capable of performing all job requirements (physical, emotional and other)
- Valid NS Driver’s Licence
- Access to reliable transportation to reach placement sites
- Demonstrated proficiency in the official language in which the Program is delivered (English).
- Ability to apply basic computer skills (basic word processing, send/receive emails, web browsing)
- Clear, Canada wide, Criminal Record Check for the Vulnerable Sector.
- Be a permanent resident of Nova Scotia
Admission Process
To be considered for a program seat, all applicants are required to:
- Attend a CCA Program Information Session
- Write the CAAT (Canadian Adult Achievement Test Level C). Minimum score of Grade 10 level required for CCA
- Participate in an interview as part of screening process for program entry
- Provide Canada Wide Criminal Record Check for the Vulnerable Sector.
- Submit any relevant support documentation (where applicable, identified during interview)
- Submit 3 professional references (if required)
- Show proof of initial two COVID vaccines.
Please note: Final approval and seat allocation is made by way of Admissions Panel or Program Selection
Program Content
Included in 518 hours of in-class and laboratory instruction, course of study includes the following Modules:
- Introduction to the CCA Program and the Health Care Sector
- CCA Professional Development
- Communication in the Care Setting
- Documentation and Technology in the Care Setting
- Environmental Safety
- Safe Handling and Mobility
- Care Setting Management
- Growth and Development
- Body Structure, Function & Care Implications
- Personal Care
- Nutrition and Meal Preparation
- Mental Health and Social Well-Being
- Medication
Provincially required certifcations acquired during this program include:
- Dementia: Understanding the Journey
- Workplace Hazardous Materials Information Systems (WHMIS)
- Introduction to Occupational Health & Safety (OHS)
- First Aid/CPR- Level C
- Food Hygiene Course
Clinical Placements
Placements are a total of 330 hours of work place (practicum) experience and provide an opportunity for students to demonstrate program outcomes and that they are safe to practice their roles within a variety of settings including nursing homes, home care, acute care, or other approved care settings. Placements are arranged by the education provider.
4 Placements include:
- Skills Development – 110 hours in licensed Long Term Care Facility under direct supervision of RN/LPN
- Home Support Mentorship – 80 hours with home support agency (VON)
- Long Term Care Mentorship – 80 hours in licensed Long Term Care Facility
- Open Mentorship – 60 hours in one or more of the following approved provincial settings: Acute Care facility;
Home Support agency; Licenced Long Term Care Facility; and/or an alternate, approved, care setting.
Specialized Supports
Given the nature of this program and provincial program guidelines, accommodations may be limited. However, if you require accommodation due to a disability affecting vision, hearing, learning, mental or physical health, you must self- disclose during the admission process and provide relevant documentation.
Most programs are currently offered tuition free
PeopleWorx is registered as a private career college with the Province of Nova Scotia, PCC 712016. Students may be eligible for a student loan. Contact for more information.
General Program Requirements
- Must be a Permanent Residents of Nova Scotia.
- The NS Private Career Colleges Act and Regulations mandate minimum attendance requirements for all scheduled classes, lab practice and placements. Current regulations require a minimum attendance rate of 90%. Please note that some certificate courses, program modules and or placements require 100% mandatory attendance.
- It is the responsibility of the education provider to maintain attendance records. Failure to meet attendance requirements will lead to dismissal from the program.
- The CCA Program entails clinical placements in Long term Care; Home Care and approved Health care Settings. Students are required to provide their own, reliable, transportation to clinical placements. This is of particular importance for home care placements. Learners are required to travel independently and are not permitted to have others (family members; friends..) drive them for Home Care visits.
- Shift work is an integral part of this occupation and learners are expected to follow the rotation of their placement mentors, Therefore placements can involve day, evening and night shift assignments, for up to 12 hours per shift. While classroom instruction is held between Monday and Friday of each week, placements may occur any day the week.
- Students must successfully complete all program components in order to graduate and be eligible to write the provincial certification exam.
- The CCA Program has additional requirements related to immunizations/vaccinations. Learners are responsible to provide documentation that they have either completed these requirements or in the process of completing at the beginning of program.
- Health care workers and other staff (including learners) who work in health care settings are at risk of exposure to communicable diseases due to their direct care contact with clients, residents and/or patients or material from individuals with infections, both diagnosed and undiagnosed.
- Up to date vaccination status and Hepatitis B (Hep A/B recommended) vaccination is a condition for clinical placement and employment in most health care settings. TB Testing: Health Authority policies require that all learners entering a health care program and completing placements in any associated facilities to undergo a 2 Step Mantoux Test. The test cannot be older than six (6) months before starting the program and must be completed prior to 1st placement and/or lab assignments on care units.
- Learners are responsible for any costs related to the obtaining of vaccination records and/or required immunizations. Please note: The submission of vaccination status records are conditions for placement by many employers/work placement hosts. Non-provision of records or refusal to obtain immunization may prevent the learner from going to/participating in mandatory placements.
What to do next
For more information,
please call us at 902-679-7589 or email