A partnership with NSCC and Nova Scotia Works PeopleWorx

Thursday, February 20, 2025 1:00-5:00pm
at NSCC Annapolis Valley Campus, 295 Commercial Street Middleton, Nova Scotia

To inquire about reserving a table, contact Deb Kendall, Nova Scotia Works Employer Engagement Specialist
This free, public event will bring together employers and organizations from across the Annapolis Valley who are ready to support job seekers in their career development journey.

Job Seekers
Nova Scotia Works can help job seekers prepare to attend this event with confidence. Our services are free. Contact us to learn more.
1-866-609-9675 or contact@peopleworx.ca
A variety of industries will be represented from across the Valley. Check back often for continuous updates on who’s attending.
Organization | Website | Employer or Community Organization |
The Lawrie Group of Home Hardware Stores | thelawriegroup.ca | Hiring Garden Centre Sales Associates and Project Sale Associates |
Mountains and Meadows Care Group | mountainsandmeadows.ca | Hiring CCA, LPN, Rehab Care Worker, Community Support Staff and Hairdressers |
Annapolis Valley Home Care Ltd | avhomecare.ca | Hiring Home Support Workers and CCA |
Eassons Transportation | eassons.com | Hiring Long-Haul cross border truck drivers |
Upper Clements Cottages and RV Park | upperclementscottages.com | Hiring part-time seasonal Housekeeping |
Lightfoot & Wolfville Vineyards | lightfootandwolfville.com | Hiring hospitality roles as well as maintenance/custodial roles |
Municipality of the County of Kings | countyofkings.ca/services/Employment | Hiring various full-time, unionized positions and some seasonal staff for the upcoming summer months |
Nova Scotia Health | jobs.nshealth.ca | Hiring various roles – trades, food service, administration, custodial and health care |
Atlantic Poultry | atlanticpoultry.com | Hiring Barn Operator, Hatchery Worker, Driver, Food Processor, and Farm Labourers |
Paladin Security | paladinsecurity.com/careers | Hiring Healthcare Security Officers and Patient Watchers |
Grandview Manor | grandviewmanor.org | Hiring LPN and CCA |
Health Association of Nova Scotia | healthassociation.ns.ca | Representative of multiple employers hiring RN, LPN, CCA |
StandardAero | standardaero.com | Hiring Mechanics with T-56 experience who have worked on either CP140 or CC130 aircraft. |
Community Living Alternatives Society (CLAS) | clasnovascotia.com | Hiring Residential Support Staff to support individuals with intellectual disabilities in all aspects of daily living. We have locations throughout Kings County. |
Commissionaires Nova Scotia | commissionaires.ca | Hiring Security Guard positions |
Annapolis Valley Regional Centre for Education (AVRCE) | avrce.ca | Hiring casual and regular contracts for Educational Assistants, Early Childhood Educators, Bus Drivers, Cafeteria Workers and Janitorial staff. |
Canadian Armed Forces – Primary Reserves 36 Canadian Brigade | instagram.com/36canadianbrigade_36gbc/ | Hiring Infanteer, Armoured Reconnaissance Soldier, Mobile Support Equipment Operator, Cook, Financial Service Administrator, Human Resource Administrator, Materiel Management Technician Infantry Officer, Armoured Officer, Logisitics Officer |
Bruce Auto Group | brucecareers.ca | Hiring Auto Body Technicians & Apprentices Parts Consultant Sales Representative |
Clean NS Foundation | cleanfoundation.ca | We have internship programs, youth climate bursary, employment support training bursary and more |
NS Construction Sector Council | nscsc.ca | Hiring Experience carpenters Concrete Finishers Labourers Painters Scaffolders |
Volunteer Nova Scotia | volunteerns.ca | Searchable database of volunteer opportunities |
Valley Connector Program | valleyren.ca/connector-program | Networking program for newcomers, international visitors and local graduates. There is no cost to participate in this program. |
CBDC Annapolis Ventures | cbdc.ca | CBDCs assist in the creation of small businesses and Startups and the modernization of existing businesses by providing financial and technical services to entrepreneurs. |
Annapolis Valley Work Centre | peopleworx.ca/annapolis-valley-work-centre | Employment support program with onsite vocational training in Coldbrook, NS. Participants are 16+. A new cohort starts most months, and attending this program is free. |
NPower Canada | npowercanada.ca | Free, online training for IT Analyst, Data Analyst and Security Operations Analyst. |
Edge on Employment | portalyouth.ca/edge | Employment support program for youth 18-26. We are looking for youth interested in developing their employment-related skills. Program sites are in Kentville and Windsor. Inquire about virtual options and 1:1 programming. There is no cost to attend the program. |
YMCA – YREACH Program | ymcahfx.ca/yreach | Based in the Annapolis Valley, our local YREACH program offers settlement and employment support services for Newcomers. |
NSCC: Nova Scotia Community College | nscc.ca | Training institute with campuses across Nova Scotia. Website has further information about programs, admissions and locations. |
Nova Scotia Works PeopleWorx | peopleworx.ca/nova-scotia-works-centre | We offer support, resources and information for job seekers and employers. Nova Scotia Works PeopleWorx has offices in Coldbrook, Middleton, and Annapolis Royal, with youth support at Northeast Kings Education Centre, Middleton Regional High School, and West Kings District High School. Virtual and in-person appointments are available. |
more to come! | ||